Here you'll find answers to the most common questions about Primfeed.
What is Primfeed?
Primfeed is a social media platform designed for Second Life™ residents. Its focus is to serve as a community hub where users can share images, follow their favorite creators & artists and connect with others in the Second Life™ community.
Is Primfeed free to use?
Primfeed offers a free version for all Second Life™ residents with certain limitations. Free accounts are restricted to uploading images with a maximum resolution of 1500 x 1500 pixels and a file size limit of 24mb. Additionally, users can only edit their posts within 45 days of posting posting. We encourage consideration of a Primfeed Pro subscription for more advanced features, but still want to ensure the allowance of free access to the core functions of Primfeed.
What is Primfeed Pro?
Primfeed Pro is a subscription-based upgrade to your Primfeed account. By having Primfeed Pro you can access the following perks:
Upload pictures with a resolution up to 10,000 x 10,000 (1500 x 1500 for free users)
Upload videos up to 10 minutes, resized down to 720p (20 seconds and 480p for free users)
Maximum file upload is limited to 200MB (50MB for free users)
Edit your posts without limitation after its creation (Free users are limited to 90 days)
Post up to 8 pictures in the Public Gallery per 24 hours (Ultra and Event EasyBloggers are limited to 12, free users are limited to 4 per 24 hours)
Create events in the dedicated Events page.
Schedule posts.
Toggle the visibility of the Featured Content.
Primfeed Pro is available in the following:
4 weeks payment | L$1,680
24 weeks payment | L$8,870 (12% saving)
If you want the Primfeed Pro perks for you business (EasyBloggers store), an active EasyBloggers subscription is needed. The Primfeed Pro perks are included in any Starter, Pro or Ultra subscription. See more at https://www.kynno.app/easybloggers/pricing.
Can I gift Primfeed Pro?
Yes, you can! Please follow this page.
What is the Public Gallery and the Discovery?
The Public Gallery feed is dedicated to vendor ads and artistic photos from Second Life™ to showcase your best work. The feed shows pictures in a collage style, and it's strictly limited to Second Life™ content. Make sure to follow the guidelines before posting in it.
The Discovery feed is all content that is posted on Primfeed.
What kind of content can I post on Primfeed?
On Primfeed, users can post content tailored specifically to the Second Life™ community. This includes Second Life™ focused images, thoughts, updates, product listings, links to other social media, and more.
We ask that each Second Life™ resident on Primfeed adheres to the Primfeed Terms of Service and follows the proper moderation and tags for every post to help keep our community safe.
Why has my content been moderated?
Please visit this page to learn more.
Can I transfer the followers of my personal account to my store account?
Yes, please visit this page to learn more about how.
Can I promote my content on Primfeed?
Yes, please visit this page to learn more about Promoted Content.
How do I create a page for my store?
Creating a store page on Primfeed is done through making a free Easybloggers account. Once you've created your Easybloggers account you can then access your store page in the bottom-left corner of your Primfeed profile by clicking on the arrow and going to your page.
How to Install Primfeed as an App on my devices?
Open www.primfeed.com on the Safari browser on your iPhone.
Click the little box with the up arrow on Safari.
Click “Add to Home Screen”
Go to www.primfeed.com on your browser.
Hit the three dots beside the address bar, then select “Add to Home Screen”
You will get a pop-up asking if you want to install app, select "Install"
Primfeed App is not an native app, but a PWA. It's basically a website that you install as an app. Instructions above are the only one available to install the application, as Primfeed is not available on the official App Stores.
How do I request a feature or provide feedback?
All feedback and feature requests for Primfeed can be provided here:
We ask that you please take the time to double-check for a post that is already requesting your feature and simply upvote this post instead of duplicating feature requests.
How do I update my legacy name?
Please visit us in-world and hit the terminal on the left to change your legacy name at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Printemps/149/136/999
I have a store, can I add managers?
Yes, you can add managers for your store page in the Settings page. You must have an active EasyBloggers subscription. See the pricing page to know how many managers you can add.
How do I change my maturity rating settings?
At Primfeed we want you to have the ability to customize your viewing settings to the maturity setting of your choice. Please visit the settings menu and select your maturity rating preference in the dropdown menu.
You can find information on what each maturity rating represents in our terms of service found here.
Who do I contact for support?
You can contact Luke Rowley by Instant Message or notecard and expect an answer within seventy-two (72) hours.
How do I delete my account?
You can terminate your account at any time at your own discretion. To do so, get in touch with Luke Rowley via notecard in-world.
Last updated