Why has my content been moderated?

By registering on Primfeed, you accepted the Terms of Service. Primfeed has a moderation team to ensure users follow the guidelines, and we may have to moderate your content. Learn more on this page.

When we do so, you receive a notification on your account showing the changes we made to the post. Clicking on this notification will take you to the specific post that has been moderated.

The two common actions the moderation team could do on your posts are:

  • Remove your post containing media from the Public Gallery.

  • Edit the maturity rating of your post, as the one you set does not follow the Maturity Rating guidelines.

If your post is removed from the Public Gallery, the content will still be visible somewhere else on Primfeed, including in your profile for your followers and in the Discovery feed.

The most common reason for removal from the Public Gallery is that you are not showcasing Second Life™ content.

Learn more about the Public Gallery's guidelines.

This page contains an informative list of examples per the ratings below in case of a maturity rating change. It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and the context and our interpretation of your picture may vary from your perception.

Maturity Rating Examples


  • Content suitable for all ages and audiences

  • No controversial themes or imagery

  • Would you feel comfortable with a young child viewing this content without supervision?


  • It may contain elements not suitable for young children

  • Mild depictions of violence or weapons

  • Partial nudity or suggestive content, such as:

    • Visible nipples or areolas

    • Artistic nudity without explicit sexual themes

    • Partially exposed genitalia (e.g., visible pubic hair)

    • Noticeable genital bulges in clothing

    • Almost naked subject, thin clothes barely covering the parts mentioned above

  • Strong language or profanity


  • Content intended for mature audiences

  • May include:

    • Promotion or depiction of adult themes

    • Artistic representations of sexual poses or situations

    • Overt depictions of violence (not extreme)

    • Portrayal of illicit drug use


  • Explicit content intended only for adults

  • Includes graphic depictions of:

    • Sexual acts, including masturbation

    • Pornographic content

    • Bodily fluids

    • Extreme violence, torture, or severe bodily harm

    • Explicit genital exposure (erect penis or direct vaginal imagery)

99.5% of Primfeed users have General and Moderate ratings enabled.

Last updated